Who do I call when I have a problem?
In case of an emergency call 911. For a maintenance problem, please email us at info@peartreepm.com. As a secondary option contact Joe at (513) 349-9307. This email/call constitutes authorization to enter your property at the earliest possible time for non-emergency problems; we will attempt to solve emergency maintenance problems immediately. An emergency maintenance problem is defined as a fire, broken pipes, etc. A non-emergency is a problem such as a broken garbage disposal, broken windows, etc.
What are the landlord's responsibilities?
The landlord is responsible for maintaining the exterior of the building and the mechanical systems; for paying taxes, insurance and mortgages and, depending on the building, certain utilities; and for general maintenance. These costs typically absorb 90% of the rent. The tenant pays for broken screens, stopped up toilets, situations where the electrical power is overloaded within a unit.
How & when do I pay my rent?
If paying by check, please send to:
PearTree Property Management
985 Dana Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45229.
All rent must be received by the 3rd of the month.
Late fee/ penalty policy.
What am I responsible for within my rental property?
Tenants are responsible for things that would normally fall under the heading of housekeeping. This includes but is not limited to: changing the lightbulbs and smoke alarm batteries, cleaning air conditioning & furnace filters monthly, plunging clogged toilets, resetting circuit barkers or fuses when blown, keeping property clean & orderly, removing trash from property on a daily basis to avoid attracting rodents and pests. We expect residents to be considerate of neighbors. Residents are responsible for notifying us immediately of any maintenance problems to prevent further damage.
What can I put in my outdoor space?
Our outdoor spaces are the first impression of the entire building and should be decorated accordingly: outdoor furniture and plants can beautify the apartment. We ask that these areas not be used to hang laundry, leave extra boxes, beer kegs, etc. It detracts from the “street appeal” of our building – something which helps us all.
How do I get my security deposit back?
By caring for the apartment as if it is your very own home. Additionally, complete the move-in/move-out checklist and return to us within five days of moving both in and out. When leaving, tenant is responsible for having the apartment thoroughly cleaned including refrigerator and stove; assuring that all appliances and light bulbs are in working condition; repairing any damages in the unit; and returning all keys (apartment, common area and mail box). Regarding nail holes and repainting, it is best to have our maintenance people handle these since it will be professional and the cost to you reasonable. To maximize the return of your security deposit, be aware of the typical problem areas that prevent this: dirty appliances, food left in kitchen, dirty bathrooms, damage to the hardwood floors.
What is your noise policy?
Be considerate of your neighbors. After 9:00 on weekdays and 11:00 on weekends, quiet would be generally appreciated.
When do I contact the utility companies?
Utilities must be put in your name effective date your lease begins and removed on your move-out date (date keys are turned in). For your convenience, we list the telephone numbers for various utility companies below:
Telephone - Cincinnati Bell (513) 565-2210
Cable – Time Warner Communications (513) 469-1112
Gas & Electric – Duke Energy (513) 421-9500